James Walch Launches Run for Jefferson County Commission
James Walch, 37, was joined by family and friends on Monday when he officially filed to run for Jefferson CountyCommission from the Charles Town District.
“I chose to raise my family in Jefferson County because it’s
full of scenic beauty, rich history, and a great way of life.
We have to make sure that way of life is preserved for future
generations,” he said to a group of supporters after filing.
Walch pointed to better planning to account for the needs of all residents, including farmers, small business owners, and those in need of affordable housing as one of his main goals if elected.
He also voiced concern about infrastructure needs for current and future residents, and returning civility and cooperation to the Commission.
“I promise to show up to work,” he said, acknowledging that two commissioners held up parts of county business by refusing to attend meetings late last year.
A realtor and part time server and bartender at Hollywood Casino and Race Track, Walch was also involved in several area small businesses before the pandemic hit, including the Fun Shack, an indoor playground for children.
Walch graduated from Jefferson High School, and holds a Bachelors in Business Administration from West Virginia University and a asters in Business dministration from
American Public University.
He and his wife, Rainny, live on S. Mildred Street, with their
son, James Beckett, and dog, Buddy.

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